Thoughts are Things

Part 2 of our 3 part Mindset series.


Look around you- look at your cell phone, your laptop, your sofa, the air conditioner, the internet and every other thing around you. What do you find common to all?

Isn’t it amazing that these things were once ideas in the minds of the inventors? There are so many wonders in the world today that your great grandfather would find difficult to believe could ever exist. Such is the power of the human mind.


“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”

  • Albert Einstein.

Everything we see today are products of the human mind so for anything to be a reality, it must first be imagined. This means your thoughts determine what becomes real in your life. Believe it or not, all the thoughts you have had so far cumulate to create your present reality.

What do you think about?

If you haven’t paid attention in the past.  Start now.  Our thoughts are too powerful to leave on autopilot. What I mean is, the things you focus your mind on become your reality.  You are constantly manifesting your own truth.  I know it sounds far fetched but hang on for a second and let me share a story with you.  Sitting with a group of my accountability partners I was always afraid to say my big dreams aloud.  I would keep them inside for fear of them being crushed.   I secretly love acting but I don’t desire fame. And I prefer the voice aspects of the craft.  I told my group that my secret dream was to be in a show and randomly I got an audition for a Netflix Short.  I had no idea what that was but I thought I would give it a try.  They not only hired me but they also hired my daughter.   I will include the link so you can see one example of how manifesting has worked in my life.

Watch your thoughts because eventually you attract that into your reality.

How do you watch your thoughts?

Your thoughts are formed by what you feed your mind; what you watch, what you listen to, what you read and the conversations you have. With the advent of social media, there is endless content on the internet to watch and read but if you do not curate your timeline, you will feed your mind with junk. Just like watching your diet, you should watch what you expose your mind to.

Fundamentally, the differences observed in people’s quality of life is based on their mindset –the way they think about things. Your mindset is a product of your thoughts and your thoughts are products of what you consume.

For example, if being wealthy is what you desire, you should become the type of person who has a wealthy mindset. Are you reading comic books while the rich are reading the Financial Times?  Are you buying lottery tickets while the wealth minded are buying stocks? Be a student of what you desire.  Find out what they read and how do they manage their time?  READ!