A powerful cup of coffee

Sitting in front of the camera in a meeting and being told that you were the only one left out but not on purpose…… that was my situation not that long ago.

As I sat there with that fake smile thinking a lot of things. I went through this internal rant. It started like this. “I have more experience….they left me out because… I think they did it on purpose….” Then I sat down and grabbed a beloved cup of coffee, nice and frothy, the way I like it. As I sipped, I meditated, looking out my window at my lovely red begonias and the tall grasses blooming with their brown tufts.  I realized that one person’s decision is not my destiny. Just because they didn’t think I was needed for this project doesn’t make me less. I am enough exactly the way I am and where I am. I felt I should share that today because sometimes we feel overlooked, unseen, and left out. But when we change those words to elevate our mindset, we are not overlooked….we are prepared and waiting. We are not unseen….we are yet to be selected by the one who respects our vision. We are not left out…..we are sitting on the steps of destiny and no man can take what is designed for us.

Sometimes mistakes happen to teach us a lesson about ourselves. We have the power to choose how we will react to every situation. We can lash out or we can reflect and learn.

Always remember: Attitude is a choice. Build bridges, not walls.

Now, that was a powerful cup of coffee.