“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more then you my friend are a leader”

When you find your purpose, you can do so much more than you ever dreamed.

During a recent family movie night, my son who is 9 voted to watch the movie ‘Here Comes The Boom’.  It’s about a washed-up biology teacher who looks to become a successful mixed martial arts fighter to raise money to prevent the music program from being cut at his school.  His best friend happens to be the music teacher and the friend is totally engaged and passionate about music so much so that the students love his class.


As the movie progresses you see that the main character starts out as a mediocre teacher with lackluster passion and ambition.  By the end of the movie, his mission to save the school music program transforms him into a person with a purpose.   The transformation is complete when he steps into the ring with only 1 goal to win this money to save his friend’s job.


When you find your purpose, you can do so much more than you ever dreamed.  I am sure there have been times in your life when you have felt so single-minded that you made the impossible happen.  Think back to a moment in time when you felt this type of resolve.   Remember how you worked.  Think about how it made you feel.


Now, look at your life today.  What drives you?  If you don’t feel inspired every day, look deeper.  The goal isn’t always obvious.  You may work to provide the best life for your family but really your goal may be to have a fabulous vacation every year.  Dig deep.  Figure out what inspires you to move forward with resolve and then GO for it!


When you find your “Why” you will find your wings!